3 GB Data
3 GB Data
Members can purchase with #redeemRewardPoints Rewards Points
Best Seller!
Price is #planPriceDollar dollars and #planPriceCent cents per month
with Auto-Refill*
3 GB 3 GB Data
0 0
0 0
3 GB Data 3 GB Data
Unused minutes does not expire with active service
Unused text does not expire with active service
Unused data does not expire with active service
Congratulations! You have been approved for an ACP discount of up to $30 a month (up to $75 a month on Tribal lands) on all monthly plans with data. Discounts, taxes, and fees will be reflected on the checkout page. Discounts and taxes will be reflected on the checkout page. Plan must include data to be eligible.
Discounts, taxes, and fees will be reflected on the checkout page.
Congratulations! You have been approved for a Lifeline discount of up to $10 a month (up to $35 a month on Tribal lands) on all monthly plans with at least 4.5 GB of data. Discounts, taxes, and fees will be reflected on the checkout page.
the Lifeline-discount price is only available once per month. After purchase, your next monthly discount becomes available in 25 days.
Congratulations! You have been approved for an ACP and Lifeline discount of up to $40 a month (up to $110 a month on Tribal Lands) on all monthly plans with data. Discounts, taxes and fees will be reflected on the checkout page.
the ACP + Lifeline-discount price is only available once per month. After purchase, your next monthly discount becomes available in 25 days.
3 GB Data
3 GB Data
Members can purchase with #redeemRewardPoints Rewards Points
Members earn #earnRewardPoints Reward Points when buying this plan.